NICOLE&JOSH MATERIALS COMPANY adalah salah satu, pemasok terkenal produsen dan eksportir Komponen elektronik, dengan pabrik di Taiwan. Dengan tahun pengalaman dalam garis pembuatan, kami dikenal untuk kinerja yang luar biasa kami dalam industri ini. Kami telah membantu diri sebagai salah satu merek terkemuka di Taiwan. Kami terus-menerus meng-upgrade produk kami untuk memenuhi standar internasional. Kami memegang tim profesional, yang menyediakan pengiriman tepat waktu dengan ketulusan kualitas. Kami tinggi dan kerja keras telah membantu kami sesuai kualitas kami dengan standar internasional.
NICOLE&JOSH MATERIALS COMPANY was established in 2017 and launched the online platform sales. In order to expand operations, Icmore Electronic Materials Co., Ltd. was established in 2019, which can provide a complete electronic one for the few in Taiwan. One-stop parts supplier. Since its establishment, the products we have sold (including connectors, wires, power supplies, fuses, relays, IC, transistors and so on.) have been widely used in semiconductors, industrial production, consumer electronics, equipment manufacturing, network communications, technology development, teaching experiments... and many other fields.
We promise to provide customers with high-quality and efficient services, and to provide our partners with excellent products and services.
We have all the products you want, and we will help you find the unpopular and discontinued products that you can't find.
Ketulusan dan kerja keras telah membantu kami untuk mencocokkan kualitas kami